Daily Rituals to Make You More Focused and Productive

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4 min readSep 17, 2021


The hardest thing in maintaining a productive lifestyle is to be consistent. And every time you finish a productivity-promoting book or a professional online course, you’re full of energy and motivation. But time flows, your enthusiasm gradually wanes, and you start to look for another book to boost your effectiveness. So what can you do to stop losing your time and begin changing your productivity for the better?

Some things are out of your control, like your boss’ mood or morning traffic. Still, you can change everything that relates to your habits and actions in that way so you’ll be able to perform in work and personal life better. And the number one task is to create daily rituals that will ease building new habits and help you stay disciplined.

How can rituals change your routine and productivity?

Study says 40% of your daily routines consist of habits — repeated actions that you perform every day. Some of the activities, like brushing your teeth or taking a shower, you perform unconsciously. You ignore the process itself and turn on an “air mode.” Your body does everything for you while your mind is somewhere else, thinking about further plans or reflecting on past events.

And ritual is an opposite notion since you do them mindfully and are highly engaged in the process. By adding specific things (like turning on your favorite music or lighting a scented candle) to the daily routines, you transform them into relaxation rituals. And paying attention to details in the process helps you calm your mind and become present in the moment, which is so essential in a busy life.

Rituals help you structure your routines, regain the feeling of control, and ease the stress that comes from unexpected changes. In an unstable world that surprises you every day, rituals are an island of stability — they allow you to take a breath and feel the moment.

And it’s easier to create rituals than build habits! European Journal of Social Psychology research states you need 66 days on average to develop a new habit. In turn, rituals are more pleasing and relaxing, that’s why you will literally want to follow them.

The main difference between them is that you develop new habits to achieve something. For example, you try running in the morning to lose some weight and become more focused during the day. In turn, the main ritual’s aim is not the result but the process itself. Therefore, when you perform your daily rituals, the only important thing is how you feel in the moment. Of course, rituals also have long-term effects, but their primary purpose is to make you feel good during routine actions.

What’s more, science and psychologists are consistent when praising rituals. For example, numerous studies have proven that small rituals can boost your confidence, increase concentration, and help you perform better in cognitive tasks.

The survey, conveyed by the University of Toronto, showed people experience less sensitivity and anxiety after a failure if they performed a ritual before completing the task. Another research claims that rituals help your body reduce cortisol level and blood pressure, increasing your immune system function. So if you’ve never believed in the power of rituals — welcome abroad, it’s time to change your mind.

Rituals of successful people

All successful people, be it Bill Gates or Oprah, have their small rituals to stay on top of their performance and to blow off steam occasionally. Let’s look at these rituals closer, so you can adopt one of them or get an idea for your unique ritual.

Do you feel that you lack time for things that matter to you, like a hobby or reading? Ernest Hemingway, the world-famous writer, has found a solution to this problem. He woke up early in the morning before others to write a few hours in complete silence.

You could use this ritual too — morning hours are not just quiet and peaceful; it’s also the time when your mind is sharpest. That’s why you’ll be able to learn more from reading the book or listening to a podcast early in the morning.

Are you sick and tired of daily routines like cleaning your house or cooking? Why don’t you turn them into a ritual as Bill Gates does? Household chores help him relieve some everyday stress and get back on track. For example, he enjoys washing dishes after dinner. And when performed mindfully, this monotonous task can boost your creativity by 25% and significantly lower your anxiety.

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